AVIVA Legal Indemnities (LION)

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We were commissioned in November 2015 to build an application to replace 2 legacy systems providing Legal Indemnity insurance products. The projects key aims were to:

  • Move away from legacy infrastructure
  • Rationalise the insurance products on offer
  • Improve users efficiency and reduce calls to an internal underwriting team
  • Improve the tracking of financial transactions.
  • Maintain the current user base


The Legal Indemnity products are made available to Solicitors and Licensed Conveyancers involved in property and land sales and also to Genealogists dealing with the management of missing beneficiaries when dealing with an estate.

The existing LION application was divided into 2 separate sections, one available to external users and the other for AVIVA users. External users could purchase standard policies on account, whilst AVIVA users could tailor their indemnity products to particular circumstances, creating bespoke policies.

Project Challenges

The project was undertaken using an Agile methodology with a small core team of subject matter experts and business analysts. The main challenges facing the project team and the IQUO developers were:

  • Bringing 2 largely different systems together into one application
  • Re-designing document templates for system generated policy documentation
  • Designing an intuitive user interface to negate the need for remotely delivered user training
  • Improving financial management processes whilst maintaining financial control measures

Technical achievements

The LION application was based upon the core iQUOGold application that we have developed. The application is written in Java and utilises a STRUTS control framework and integrates into a SPRING framework. Key achievements in this implementation are:

  • Sophisticated user account management including:
    • Organisation registration
    • Devolved user management
  • Instant access to documents and policies created for the external organisation by an AVIVA user
  • Complex document templates
    • Standard policies with multiple covers
    • Editing of standard products to create a bespoke policy
    • Addition of graphics within policy documents
  • Bespoke financial transaction management processes
    • Self-generated remittance advices
    • Outstanding payment control
  • Providing detailed audit records to support regulatory standards.
  • Interfaces into legacy policy and financial systems

The end result

LION went live in 4 months. Over 1,100 external organisations were pre-registered and some 2,500 external users were added in the first 3 weeks of operation. Immediate benefits were realised with external users and organisations able to issue their own policies in a self-serve mode. The number of queries being handled by the AVIVA team dropped considerably so allowing them to concentrate on their primary roles.

Reference links

Live site

User testimonials

In response to a questionnaire sent out during the pilot phase of the project, users were full of praise for the new application.

The individual prices for combined quotes is helpful and it is much more streamlined to obtain a quote; much quicker.

The search parameters for a saved quote are much wider which is easier to locate a past saved quote.

Price and Ability to combine multiple policies.

Very professional look of the policies and easy to use buttons.

I really like the ability to add multiple policies onto the same quote reference without having to re-enter all the details again. I also really like the post code search feature so that we do not have to click back into our file to check the full address for entry like on the old system. The policy documents issued are also a lot easier to read for the client which is great.

I wouldn’t say that there is anything I did not like on the site. It is so much quicker and will be so much more effective for our everyday roles.

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